Sunday, January 10, 2016

Staircase Vastu Tips

Staircase is necessary to reach the terrace or the first floor of the house. It has to be constructed depending on the vacant space in and around the house.

1. If an internal staircase has to be provided, the same may be constructed, in any room excepting the north eastern room, the steps should be designed in such a way, that they do not touch the eastern walls and a minimum inter-space of three inches must be allowed in between the staircase and the wall. The steps should proceed either from north to south or alongside or away the southern wall from cast to west; or alongside or away the western wall from north to south and the above inter-space principle may be followed in respect of the staircase towards cast, to step up from east to west.

2. If a linear staircase abutting two sides of a house, is designed either in side or outside, steps should proceed either from east to west or from north to south initially and can tum towards any direction thereafter.

3. If a staircase has to be provided in eastern southeast, the same should be constructed away from the eastern compound wall, and the steps should proceed from north to south, and progress towards north after the landing, facilitating entry into the first floor or terrace, through the balcony provided in the eastern part, in an exalted position. In such a case a balcony may be provided, in the Northern part also.

4. If a staircase has to be provided in the southern south-west, steps should proceed from east to west and progress towards east after the landing, facilitating entry into the terrace or the first floor into exalted place through the southern balcony. For this type of stairs there will be a balcony in the south. In such case, a balcony in north is a must, while a balcony in east is desirable.

5. If a staircase has to be provided in western southwest, steps should proceed from north to south, and progress towards north after the landing, facilitating entry into the terrace in an exalted position. through the western northwest balcony. When steps are constructed in west, there will be a balcony in that side. In such a situation a balcony in north is a must, while a balcony in east is

6. If a staircase has to be provided in northern northwest it must be constructed away from the northern compound wall. The steps should proceed from east to west and progress towards east, after the landing facilitating entry into an exalted position through the northern
northeast balcony. In such a case a balcony in east is desirable. 

7. If an internal linear staircase has to be provided along side eastern and southern walls such a provision can be made in any room excepting the north eastern room. It has to be ensured that the stair case does not touch the eastern wall leaving an inter-space of 3 between eastern wall and the staircase. The steps should proceed from north to south, and taking a turn, progress towards west; facilitating entry into the first floor, in an exalted position. If a linear staircase has to be provided alongside southern and western walls, the steps should be designed in such a way, that they proceed from east to west, either touching or without touching the southern wall and after taking a turn progress towards north facilitating entry into the first floor in an exalted position.

8. If a linear staircase has to be provided alongside western and southern walls, steps are to be designed n such a way, that they proceed from north to south, either touching or without touching the western wall, and after taking a turn progress towards east facilitating entry into the first
floor in an exalted position.

9. If a linear staircase has to be provided alongside northern and western walls, it has to be ensured, that the steps do not touch the northern wall leaving at least a place of 3" in between and proceed from east to west initially and after taking a turn progress towards south facilitating entry
into the first floor in an exalted position.


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